Friday, October 8, 2010

Hygeia Goodie Box Condom

Chapter 21 Chapter 20

doc: do not even really know what happens ... We Miss qe acerles more studies ...
bill: it is recorded?
doc: I would not know, still do not know very well what they have ...
bill: thanks
doc: please, tom
retires: sigh-tod bill will be fine
bill: arqeando sit back while throwing his head back acia-everything is so fucked!
gus: they said?
bill: not an entontrado nothing "AUN" Further studies will have to acerles
gus: where is it?
bill, is still asleep ... is to
tom: where are you going?
bill: ire to see
tom: you can not enter
bill bill: I better be mothers .- qe where you could not see any doctor-entered ii closed the door carefully, you were still asleep, sat I take your hand ii ii hand with the other stroked your face pale ii asleep - you are beautiful, even when sleep ...
you: open your eyes delidadeza-bill?
bill: shh, do not speak my love caress your face ...-
you: and I feel good going home
bill: sigh-I love your
: qee? qiero just go from here "you say softly
bill: kiss your lips
you: do not want to be here - look away toward the window - I have a fear of being here, take me home
bill: how you feel ! qe qe is what you feel my love, I too was hurt, afraid of what I have come to pass qe! I have fear of losing you also understand me please
you: hugs him beginning to mourn, all will be well
bill: no .. not me say that! I always say that ii do not want to end all evil qe ke tell me everything will be alright! keme tell me you love! kiero hear from you so! - Hugs you closed your eyes tight - say it!
you: I love you - you whisper in his ear, listened bill? I love you! te amooo! I love you and never love anyone I love you with all my heart! with all that gives my heart my body ... I love you ii you are the reason for my existence ...!! I love you for what you ii qe be! I love you above all things I love! m eyes?! - shots of his face looking into his eyes bill
: nods
tu: aamo you that you only YOU ... _________________________________________________________________________

The results so went well, auqne your eyes worse, the doc prescribe glasses
few days after

Today we went to the eye doctor, my head is killing me the doc told me I had to wear glasses.
Lugo went to buy with Bill
Bill: we love! We're late
You: I'm coming! Waiting tantito
Tom: it takes more than your makeup xD jajaj
Bill: jajjaja know!
You: they talk about you two?!
Bill: hugs you .. of all, let? - taking you by the hand said
You: smile-if
Tom: Tadas you so much?!
You: because I want to be pretty, take out his tongue
Tom: They do not, you already are very nice - you smile tenderly
You: Thanks Tom! You too are very handsome, "I embrace
Tom, and very sexy, puts his face sexona
Bill, and I? - Making Pucherito
You: you are beautiful! Fanta does not tell you my beautiful little thing! - Give her a kiss
Bill: one-stretches his lips
You: you give him another kiss
Bill: and?
You: and I gave you
nn bill: you saw what I did? why not ~ I felt nothing. ~
tom: no, no
vii xD nn tu: OO well well! - Takes her face her lips ii join desperately as if it were your last bill xD
: WOU!
your xD ejejej already?!
tom: Oo 'Oo! OO '
bill: it takes you by surprise besnadote desperately oo'
you: murmur in the bill let me kiss besnadote-bill-is trying to separate-but-not let you bite your lips making you because the way DEJRO that will bite him hurt Mucche devi! jajajja xD
bill: ouch! juuum That hurt!
tom: you fuck by hot
bill: I am hot!
tom: ooh sii'm not a hot-tom says imitating the voice of Bill ~. N
you: jjajajjaja maaalo ke! jajajaj
tom: nn jajjajaja
bill: ¬ ¬
you: you look at what Bill siiento jejej: $
bill: Let me angry, you walk on
look tom ii ii was laughing Descojonado
biill behind
bill: it gives the stares vuelya ii-¬ ¬ Now I get angry
you: nono-shots to bill the no-jejej arm enojeeeeees chi?
bill: you look cute, there for I do that face! awuu I love you! - ii kisses then takes your hand to go to the optician uu
tom: wait, "said the braids running haciia you," I expect!
girl: hello, good DIIA, that I can help?
bill: emm if queriia choose a frame for the prescribing doc enteojos
girl, show me the rest please?
tu: le sii has
Also resets reach the girl: the lee - ah sisi, you can choose what you liked best, it shows the window where the telescope were TOO. until I felt like all of levartelos were cute but only choose one, I take this that said Ayi-pointing ones (description) -
girl: the most linndos said
your smile: hehe
girl nn: nn that you taste your
: graciias
bill: sooy her boyfriend so she said with a seductive voice, looking in the labios. tii ii-biting
your eyebrows xD : yaaa jajja Bill!
girl: jajajja xD

you: not aga case, water has no effect xD jajaja iso
girl: smile
bill: ¬ ¬
you: hahaha certo not you kiss my love
tom: If it's true! OO xD
you: ¬ ¬ shh!
tom: you stick out your tongue - shut your!
girl: umm, that these glasses are yours ok jeje xD
pays bill then go to school for sissy and unique ....

hear girls ask me? in the arena here alongside qe <----------- jeje
comment! I hope like eeeh ke les aya ^ ^ bye ♥ kieroooooooooooo the


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