Monday, December 13, 2010

Does Mucus Come Before Ovulation Or During?

chapter 31 chapter 30 ♥ ...

new eme xD add me?

You: if I beat up your father right? - Smiled taking the hands of your children, walking to the garden ^ ^
Stefan: haha \u200b\u200byeah ii mom so he stayed in ajjajajaj O__O
You: smile - well - you kneel at its height between the two, with a big smile on your face - well behaved, yes?
Liz: if Mom - Liz said taking your bunny
You: your eyes filled with tears - I will not leave!
Stefan: Mom will be fine - volume of your face with their bare hands, wiping traces of tears on your cheek, look at me, do not cry - well, it seemed every adult - at 12: 30 mama come for us, not much time
Liz: hug me - I'm gonna miss
You: ii, ii if better go home? - difentes was all what I imagined, rather than mourn them not to enter, I am weeping, not wanting to get away from my children, I have spoiled so much that it hurts just a second away ...
Stefan: Mami! do not get well, just the yard
You: I do not want to get away from you ... Sorry - my head down
Liz: kiss my cheek, it was time they came, I love you mom
Stefan: I love you - ii smiled kissing my cheek repeatedly. - 12: 30! Do not come earlier! You are able jjaja
You: not true - become the eyes with a big smile on your face, well, I can roast Verdade ejje xD - I love them - hug them taking of his hands - OK, go, I do not change for that Miss OK! ¬ ¬ xD
children started to laugh out loud - never Mommy! - Told the Unisol - we love you, they parted with the upper hand while I watched from outside, was the only mom qe are out, then disappeared into the hallway, opened the car door until ii went home, I hope no cameraman saw us, here and can not be pribacidad, xD surely open a picture crying out! aii nooo! jajaj

to get home leave keys on the table, on it had a note ...
Love, went to the label, do not get mad! sorry ... not have been eating today
I love you "Buzz ".... Bill

I think today I'll stay single = (
bell? who will at this time

xxx: Hooooolaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tu: Tapaste you face! - Damn! came came! - Started to saltarXD
mail: you up - how are you?
you: good! , Woou if these big damn brat! xD
mail: as qe damn?! ¬ ¬ - low you smile again
you: OK xD hahaha sorry
sissy: (tuuuuuuuuuu nooooombreee )!!!!!! wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaa! - Hugs you
you: eeem - the view - you download the missing! - You cross your arms you
sissy: watch your skirt
mail: Get off that skirt ¬ ¬
sissy: the skirt down a bit - ya: D xD
you: now if - the hug-miss you! ii lot girl!
sissy: haha \u200b\u200bii am?! you can not imagine
zack: Thanks for the help, I! - lower the box in his hands ii hugs you, how are you?
you: good!
zack: Get off that flalda
you: view your skirt - is well my skirt!
sissy: see?! Get off it!
you: you put it down a pokito XD ii then zack with a view to innocent smile xD - already?
zack and unique: bajatelo no more! - Tell the uníoslo, look between the two and smile
you: aaish and leave it so xD - change the subject - qe bring in that box?
Zack: Oh yeah the box, as Hem dress liz toys and stefan, had left the house all lying hidden in the courtyard ii xD - that children as clueless, that mother so clueless, I had forgotten where they had been the toys ... lol ... that bill does not find out! Or kill me ... I have bought several toys for children qe not find the ones that brought zack lol
you: aii than boys! thanks zack
Nico: like Zack?! to miiiiii was me who put them together ii clean, was filled with mud and jajaj ... children?
you: your head down - went into the garden!
Nico: ii so that you get (your nickname)? - Hugs you
you: is that it feels weird, leave them there, and and if children are left undisturbed? And if I change their teacher, are we going to look now? xD
Nico: jajaj as you think? Nobody will ever change it for anything, you are very special (your name) in your life and of all do not you realize it?
You: but ...
Sissy: nothing! They love you and never let you do you understand?
You: sii ¬ ¬ - and a pot I was drawing on your face
Zack: I take your cheeks like you're a little girl who nice! xD jajaja
You: crazy!
Zack: silly
You: stupid fool
Zack: immature whimsical crazy! GIRL!
You: How do I say?!
Zack: eyes wide open, hiding behind Nico - em "Me? ... Nothing
You: ¬ ¬ and see!
Nico: we do anything major
You: ok xD
Sissy: Hey (your name), you're not working? No ffering you use or something?
You: yes, but I prefer to stay with my children instead of flying all over the world ... - it was true, away from your family just to make millions? A yama that is not live, not just in money there is happiness, only the luxury and comfort ... and love? Where it is supposed to encuntra? In napkins with many zeros? I think not
Nico: Well, choosing very well ... your kids do not like to see it than just weekends, or just do not see all week
Zack and offered you employment?
You: on TV as host of a program and others ...
Sissy: super! xD
You: jajaj yes, I think ... What do you have in your life?! , I heard that someone has noooooviiaaa!
Nico: blush
Sissy: and is called jessica!
Your : high straight and long hair! Jessicaa Ooooo! Ajajajja
Nico: Now If I have a girlfriend! Aish that always aces this!?
You: do not be angry xD Nico is just to annoy you!
Nico: that sincere ¬ ¬
You: ajaja school is it?
Nico: If
You: you are getting married?
Nico: recently started crazy girl!
You: ok xD I'm sorry but ... are getting married?
Nico: jajajja, ummm - rolls her eyes, I doubt that grabs a lot of heat and that will affect some jajajaj '
You: ¬ ¬
Nico: what?
Zack and stop bickering pair of brats, goes to the refrigerator - they will eat today?
You: not you want to eat? "Pizza?
Zack: You know I do not like the pizza
You: so ... eat PIZZA TODAY!! Eeeee! haha xD
Zack: very funny girl!
You: I told you not tell me girl! Jum!
Zack: good little girl
You: ash! ¬ ¬ I hit
Zack: azlo! - will challenge in brown
You: shut up fool
Zack: ii runs to you giving you many turns standing up while the two laugh funny
You: jajaj yaa me down crazy!
Zack: smiles - good but please di
You: me down!
Zack: "Please repeat after me let me down, please
You: doi me down ... or you're going to kick out a Rucia bolando!
Zack: O_O
You: jajajjjajaj you're stupid! Ash I love you - kiss your cheek - now what me down ... please? - Smile innocently
Zack looks at you and then smiles - of course
you: get off and then you realize that sissy and unique look at you - what? - Lift your shoulders staring at seriously - What are they watching?
Sissy: toddlers seem
Nico: no ... looks like a pair of young children still under her mom's skirt -.-
Zack: mueranse
Nico: your first
You: ai Now ... Let me be! ¬ ¬
Sissy: you idiots jajja
You: hahaha today is one day something crazy
Passing hours you continued to play and talk about things that happened in the week, while preparing food, after they ate went to look for liz and stefan who is pucieron very happy to see those three crazy ^ ^, in truth had been much love. way too dear.

Bill: bueeeeeenas! - Call Bill about you behind
You: you were scared you back - Bill!
Bill: I'm ugly? X D jajajjaja - kiss your lips - hello
You: smile - hello again
Bill: So you did trick me!
You: I do not ise trap! - Thrashing with both eyes with a smile on your face
Bill: jajaj ok this time I forgive you! But the next and see!
You: uh Save me! Save me! - Begin to move your hands back another bill-jajaj mocking
Bill: I take the face and begins to kiss wildly - you're a crazy you know?
You: you taste your lips - hum I think that is crazy are you
Bill, biting his lips - and do not know how - he kisses you again
You: trying to keep him when you see children on the set with mouth open, Liz was bouncing and then cover my eyes estefan
Liz: Let me see
You: you break the bill
: ash! Now it was the action - refusing to look - always end up ruining
Stefan: smile - you're too young to watch it
Liz: Are you retarded? We have the same age
Stefan, but I'm bigger
You: now, stop fighting
Liz: watching you - mom that your lips are more red? - Smiles with her teddy bear in hand
You: in order to bill faced "¬ ¬" - qe em for chapped lips I have my love - lie - if you go to swim? And now I
Stefan: liar - cough cough - I'm going to watch TV em
You: come here - so slow in your arms - like you said ?
Stefan: I? Mommy okay? - Touch your forehead - you do not have fever xD um
You: smile - Are you child is
Stefan: you can give me an iPod if you want = D
You: clear some distant day jajaj XD
Stefan: that's not true!
You: haha \u200b\u200bI love you little
Stefan: Pikit gives you - I love you mommy
You: the low-ve to watch TV in a while you will go to sleep
Stefan: good =)
You: you give a tap on their bottom
Stefan: maaaaaan - xD complains
You: by pulling a kiss Sorní
Bill: I do not smile aces that, "sipping from the waist
You: love on the kids - you loose
Bill: you up sitting on the counter and then closes the door of the kitchen-ready
You: raise an eyebrow - but I have to go see liz - get off the counter
Bill: cornered in a corner you cling to you, you watch it without knowing qe do , were your cheeks burned! - Then bill you took of your face just inches from your lips, your breath so deep they gave to her lips, lo que lo llevaba mas a besarte  
Tu: bb-Bill , liz esta sola – tartamudeas algo nerviosa
Bill: cierra los ojos besandote nuevamente
Tu: tu das un pequeño gemido en sus labios
Bill: no hagas eso , no quiero tener un orgasmo aquí mismo – sonrie de medio lado
Tu: ok entonces dejame ir
Bill: no - holds your waist - I'm bad and do not let
You: umm bad brain then I also - whisper census
Bill: swallow saliva - love - remains static with a maso on your waist
You: the streets of a kiss as she lifted her shirt while your body quietly caressed making is honored, then cornered him against the wall aforrándote on their bodies aciendo come together by grabbing one - go back to kissing ii loose a little moan to her lips - mmm I love you
Bill: gives a short cry, then Cologan one of your hands on your legs, passing it gently to While your skirt leant
You: take your hand and start to pass under clothing ru, first your abdomen, your back and your chest. to trigger these failures even more give a short moan - that happens bill? - Whisper against his lips sensually with a lopsided grin-
bill: cierra los ojos tragando saliba , - ¿p-poor q-que aces estto ?
liz: mami ya esta!- grita desde la otra habitacion
tu: sonries arrinconandolo mas contra la pared - por que amo que te pongas nervioso - lo besas y luego caminas acia la puerta sensualmente  xD 
bill: muerde sus labios mirandot el trasero
tu: antes de irte lo vuelves a mirar tocandote el cuello - ah hace a little hot in here no bill? - Smile half way and then give a small curls
bill: I hate you ¬ ¬
you: lol xD
yap came back ... well better jeje estoi
hope you like chapter
favoor for comment! ♥
decided sbir day po amm average hehe I think voii make 5 or 6 chapters already finished, and began writing it! jojo xD
lack aww little to end the year, and I want to start 2011!!
the chiropractic hehe good good and truth through their comments icieron me feel good, and it is true, no one chooses a family one, but I choose you as part of my family
THE MUCH LOVE! hcer thanks for my 2010, the most unique and special
xD ahh I have em add me again?


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